The first bus I caught this morning was packed. Every seat was taken and the aisle was full of people who were standing. The bus was moseying on through an intersection when suddenly the driver SLAMMED on the brakes. Everyone went flying. I was hanging onto a pole, but you can't fight momentum, man. I was thrown off my feet and into the guy on the right side of me, while the guy on the left side of me flew into me. Like human dominoes! I caught myself by clutching onto the pole. It was in this very moment when every muscle on the left side of my torso felt like it was being ripped away from my bones. FUCK DID IT HURT.
This left me standing there in an intense amount of pain, trying to act like I was fine. My eyes started to well up a little and I started to feel really hot. I turned around to face forwards and my vision started to go a little fuzzy. I thought I was about to pass out. I stumbled off the bus at my stop and had to give myself a moment before I started walking. The breeze hit my face and I started to feel a little better.
I took some medicine right when I got to work. But holy fuck am I going to feel this one tomorrow. AWESOME.
I fucking hate the bus.
I'm just a girl... sitting in front of the computer... asking you to laugh at my jokes.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009

They don't call it Casual Friday for nothin'. For me, pretty much every day is casual at work. I don't really have to follow a dress code. Even so, I always make a point of wearing jeans on Fridays. It's like a mental thing. It's my busiest day at work, so I like to be comfortable. It's just how I roll, yo.
So. You've seen these jeans before. They are from Old Navy. It makes me sad to think that I can't just go buy some new ones when these ones are done. They were some sort of "special edition" issue. *sigh* It's okay though. They still have a lot of life left in them.
The shirt is from Aritzia. I have a couple of shirts from there and I quite like them. It's a good place to go if you are looking for t-shirts with interesting graphics or slightly different styles of the basic t-shirt.
The shoes are my "Jesus sandals". They are cute, strappy brown leather sandals that I bought about 6 or so years ago on sale at Aldo. The necklace is from Le Chateau. I love the chunky beads and the black/brown colour. It goes with almost everything. The scarf is one of my favourites. Another H&M find! Brie happens to have the exact same one, and Lydia has it in red. Everyone loves it!
So that brings us to the end of this little project. Did you like it? To be honest, I've had a lot of fun doing it. I think this might be something that I keep up. It won't be a daily occurance, but maybe every once in awhile. Let me know what you think!
Thursday, June 25, 2009

This outfit got me through fall, winter, spring and is now helping me work my way through summer. It's probably my favourite outfit. To make it work for fall/winter, I just throw on a scarf and a long black cardigan. Since the arrival of spring and summer, I've been wearing it with the black flats from yesterday. So versatile!
The dress is from H&M and is one of the best purchases I've ever made. I've worn the hell out of this dress. I love it because it works so well for every occasion. It's casual, but can be a little dressier too. It's also super comfortable.
The leggings are from American Apparel and are the only kind I wear. I like them because they are a thicker cotton and feel more like pants then tights. I don't like wearing anything super sheer for leggings.
And then there are the boots. My beloved boots. They are made by Vagabond and are super comfy. I bought these at Winners a couple of years ago for $5o. I KNOW, RIGHT? BARGAIN. I wore these almost every day in the winter, because they go with everything. I wear them with dresses, jeans, skirts... anything!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A plain black v-neck shirt is a must have, I say. This one I think is from Walmart or somewhere stupid like that. It was maybe $6. The jeans are from H&M and are some of my skinniest jeans. I was a bit shy to wear them at first, but now I LOVE them. The shoes are DVS. A basic black ballet flat is another wardrobe staple.
The scarf is H&M. I love this bright marigold colour. It adds a little pop of colour to an otherwise basic outfit. The necklace is the same one I wore on Monday. (See? I told you I wore it a lot!)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Today felt like a lazy, tired kind of day. So I went for comfort. Cute comfort, I hope! Let's start from the top.
The shirt is from H&M. It's actually long enough to be a dress and you can wear it as such with some leggings. I'm not quite ready to wear that look out just yet. I'm a little shy about it being too tight.
The jeans are from Old Navy, purchased a couple of years ago. They were my first ever skinny jeans, which I never wore because I was worried I was too chunky to wear them. I rediscovered them this past fall and have worn the hell out of them since.
The shoes are my new metallic gold Birkenstocks. They have a cute little ankle strap that you can't see.
The scarf and necklace are both from H&M. I love the big chunky stones on the necklace. I get lots of compliments whenever I wear it. My sister gave me the scarf as a gift and it is AWESOME. From a distance it looks like a very pretty floral pattern, which it is, but there are actually little tiny pink skulls hidden amongst the flowers. I love it.
Monday, June 22, 2009

I love this skirt. I just bought it yesterday. I couldn't WAIT to wear it, so I ignored the weather forecast of general chilliness and went for it. Oddly enough, this entire outfit came from the same place, but at different times. All are from Joe Fresh (at Superstore). The t-shirt was purchased maybe 1 or 2 years ago and the shoes are from last spring. The necklace was a Christmas gift from a coworker. (I wear it several times a week!)
A little project.
I've decided to take on a little project this week. (In addition to the giant book that I will start tonight.)
It's nothing terribly fancy. It was born out of my desire to play around with my camera and is also an exercise in vanity.
For this whole week, I'm going to be posting photos of what I wear each day. There's really no reason to do this. I just think it sounds fun. (I was inspired by Mighty Girl's recent series about other people's wardrobes.)
It's nothing terribly fancy. It was born out of my desire to play around with my camera and is also an exercise in vanity.
For this whole week, I'm going to be posting photos of what I wear each day. There's really no reason to do this. I just think it sounds fun. (I was inspired by Mighty Girl's recent series about other people's wardrobes.)
I'm very important and have very important things to do.
When I had my regular cell phone I was always rather annoyed by those people who would whip out their Blackberry or iPhone every 5 goddamn minutes to check their email or Facebook or WHATEVER. I thought it was kind of sad that people could not stand to be disconnected for even a moment. It seemed kind of ridiculous.
Oh, boy do I get it. I heart it. We shall never be apart again, Internet. NEVER.
Oh, boy do I get it. I heart it. We shall never be apart again, Internet. NEVER.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
It's funny because it's true.
Yesterday I wrote something elsewhere about how sometimes I get really nervous about talking to people, even on the Internet. I do love people and I wish I was better at talking to them. I'm one of those people that likes to sit back and watch everybody else interact and try to figure people out a little bit before I actually interact. So I guess that makes me look anti-social. But I'm not. I'm pro-social. (Is that a thing? I don't think it's a thing.)
I'm just a different kind of social. The not talking all the time kind. Is that so bad?
I'm just a different kind of social. The not talking all the time kind. Is that so bad?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Me Talk Pretty One Day
I went to see David Sedaris at a reading in Victoria at Bolen Books. Here's what happened.
The reading was scheduled to start at 7pm. We got there at 4pm. We had excellent seats, but there was a lot of waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting. He arrived just after 7, and read a story that had been rejected by "This American Life", a work in progress that he thought wasn't quite working, and some entries from his diary. They were all completely hilarious and adorable. After the question period (in which people asked some REALLY STUPID SHIT) we all moved to the signing table at the back of the store. Since we had such great seats for the reading, this meant that we were pretty much at the back of the line for signing.
We waited for 3 hours. 3 HOURS. Things started off okay when we were in the fiction aisle. By the time we reached science fiction, things started to go downhill a little bit. We were all starting to get a little tired and crazy. As we winded our way into the final aisle of toys, we all went mental. Touching everything, playing with puppets, pointing out inappropriate phrases on boxes of toys (for example, a fort building kit that said, "Just add bedsheets for endless fun!").
When I could finally see him, I started to freak out a little bit. I had heard him asking people about what they did for a living. I panicked. What the hell was I going to tell him if he asked me that? I couldn't tell him what I do. I couldn't say that out loud. Not to David Sedaris. Oh crap.
Erin and I decided to work as a team, and went up together. (Read her experience here.) After incorrectly guessing her star sign, he guessed mine:
DS: "Sarah... cancer?"
Me: "YES! Whoa. You're good. How did you know?"
DS: "I lied before. I'm actually very good at these things."
DS: "I lied before. I'm actually very good at these things."
Me: "That's amazing."
DS: "So, Sarah. What do you do?"
*Oh crap. Oh crap. Just say it. Just tell him. Don't freak out. It's the truth.*
Me: "I'm a writer."
DS: "That's great! What sort of things to you write?"
Me: "Well, for money I work in advertising."
DS: "Really? Oh! I have to ask you something. Have you heard of Zack Galifianakis?"
Me: "Yes! I just saw The Hangover last week. He's hilarious."
DS: "Okay. This is so great. Absolut Vodka hired him to create some ads for them. Have you seen them?"
Me: "No! That's crazy."
DS: "He agreed to do it under the condition that they had to use whatever he came up with. They are so bizarre. They're wonderful. So weird. You have to watch them. Here, I'm going to write this down for you. I don't want you to forget!"
Me: "No! That's crazy."
DS: "He agreed to do it under the condition that they had to use whatever he came up with. They are so bizarre. They're wonderful. So weird. You have to watch them. Here, I'm going to write this down for you. I don't want you to forget!"
Me: "Okay! They already sound awesome."
DS: "Make sure you watch them. It would be interesting to hear what someone in the ad business thinks of them."
Me: "I'll watch them right away! Thanks!"
DS: "Thank you for coming!"
DS: "Thank you for coming!"
You see, despite the fact that this is not my official job title, writing is a part of what I do. Writing is what I do when I'm NOT at work. Writing is what I do sometimes when I AM at work. I'm a writer. It's what I do. I've always been hesitant to tell people that. I've always felt like I'm not qualified to call myself a writer... but I am. I've never answered the "What do you do?" question that way before. I've never really said it out loud. So it was a big deal for me. Especially since the first time I ever said it was so someone I admire so very, very much.
See? I'll never forget about these videos now:

They are really bizarre and hilarious, by the way. Check them out.
Also, here is my book! (Photo courtesy of Erin.)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Too much.
I'm not quite ready to sit down and write about it just yet, but I think I'll be ready tomorrow. Until then, enjoy these tidbits from Erin about the time we met David Sedaris. Yesterday. (Squee!)
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Brought to you by...
At the end of the day, I looked down at my outfit and noticed something. Every single thing I was wearing came from the same store. American Apparel.
My dress, the shirt/dress thing I had to wear underneath my dress for modesty purposes because come on I'm a professional, my leggings and my scarf. All from American Apparel.
Shit. Now I'm worried that maybe I looked a little porny, despite being covered up. That's just what happens when you wear their stuff, right? Whatever. It's cool. I didn't have much dignity left anyways. Losing the last of it shouldn't make much of a difference.
My dress, the shirt/dress thing I had to wear underneath my dress for modesty purposes because come on I'm a professional, my leggings and my scarf. All from American Apparel.
Shit. Now I'm worried that maybe I looked a little porny, despite being covered up. That's just what happens when you wear their stuff, right? Whatever. It's cool. I didn't have much dignity left anyways. Losing the last of it shouldn't make much of a difference.
Monday, June 08, 2009
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Lazy Sunday
Today I won't put on any makeup. I'm going to let my hair air dry. I'm going to lie about in my Neil Diamond t-shirt. I'm going to eat eggs on toast. I'm going to do some laundry.
I'm going to have myself a delightful little Sunday.
I'm going to have myself a delightful little Sunday.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Does anybody actually ever do any work in the last half hour before they go home? As soon as I see the clock hit 4pm, I've already mentally checked out. That's when I try to do all the stupid crap that you don't really have to think about. You know, stuff like checking your email 700 times. And drinking water very slowly. And opening and closing files. Important stuff.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
I'm sitting here watching So You Think You Can Dance and I'm getting far too emotional about the whole thing. This one dude finished the Mia Michaels choreography and when they let him through to the next round he TOTALLY STARTED SOBBING BECAUSE HE JUST REALLY LOVES DANCING SO MUCH. And then I was all OH MY GOD I JUST REALLY LOVE DANCING TOO and then maybe I started to tear up a little.
Then they were all "Oh, hey now we're going to do West Side Story." Which is why this show is awesome.
Then they were all "Oh, hey now we're going to do West Side Story." Which is why this show is awesome.
Monday, June 01, 2009
A refreshing change.
Upon my arrival at home from work, I stopped short before falling into my typical routine which is computer ON, television ON, brain OFF.
Instead, I wandered over to the giant stack of unread and half-read books on the floor beside my bed. I grabbed the top one and sat myself down in the giant armchair. Then I read. I read and read and read. Then I read some more. I finished the book.
I can't tell you how excited I am to have actually finished a book. Reading is something that used to be a huge part of my life, but in recent years I seem to have drifted from it. I'll start a book, get halfway through it, then abandon it for something new. The hours I used to spend reading have been replaced by sitting in front of a computer screen or a television. But no more.
I want to make this my summer of reading. I think my brain could use it. So could my soul. I'm going to get to work on the rest of the stack beside my bed. When I run out of things to read, I will come back and ask you for some suggestions. Or, feel free to offer some up now if you wish.
Instead, I wandered over to the giant stack of unread and half-read books on the floor beside my bed. I grabbed the top one and sat myself down in the giant armchair. Then I read. I read and read and read. Then I read some more. I finished the book.
I can't tell you how excited I am to have actually finished a book. Reading is something that used to be a huge part of my life, but in recent years I seem to have drifted from it. I'll start a book, get halfway through it, then abandon it for something new. The hours I used to spend reading have been replaced by sitting in front of a computer screen or a television. But no more.
I want to make this my summer of reading. I think my brain could use it. So could my soul. I'm going to get to work on the rest of the stack beside my bed. When I run out of things to read, I will come back and ask you for some suggestions. Or, feel free to offer some up now if you wish.
You know how whenever you get a group of people together, someone always quotes Anchorman and then everyone laughs? (Seriously. It happens EVERY. TIME. ALWAYS.)
I did that by accident. I had a bit of a Brick moment.
There were lots of people in here and they were all talking at the same time. It made me very nervous and confused. So I said it, because I really didn't know what was going on:
Then everyone laughed.
So... yay? I'm still confused, but they think I'm HILARIOUS so I guess it's cool.
I did that by accident. I had a bit of a Brick moment.
There were lots of people in here and they were all talking at the same time. It made me very nervous and confused. So I said it, because I really didn't know what was going on:
Then everyone laughed.
So... yay? I'm still confused, but they think I'm HILARIOUS so I guess it's cool.
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