I remember it like it was yesterday. I walked into the January sample sale at Fluevog. There they were, sitting underneath a table. I gasped out loud and rushed over to pick them up. As I stroked the soft grey suede, I know in my heart that they had to be mine. I didn't care how much they were. They were so friggin' HOT.
I flipped the price tag over and I swear to you, my heart stopped for a moment. $75. They were only $75. Marked down from $300. I squealed.
That was 8 years ago. We are still together and going strong. Goddamnit, I love these boots.
Those are seriously delicious looking boots. $75? Be still my heart. I'd probably sleep with them.
your boots have many laces. that makes for no "easy-access" if you know what i'm sayin. know what i'm sayin? boots are hot.
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